A year like no other … what can you take from 2020?
People have been saying it for months … “I can’t wait to see the back of 2020! It’s been a shocker!” In so many ways I agree, but in others I don’t. 2020 may have been a year like no other in living memory; it has served up some seriously harsh consequences to many, but it has also had it’s priceless moments (like learning to skateboard with my girl and … not breaking any bones!) and given us the chance to stop and reassess the way we want to live and work (the continuing use of virtual meetings and less time spent travelling are top of my list!).
Always at this time of year my mind naturally starts looking back and looking forward simultaneously. I’m scanning the year that’s past to take stock of what I’ve learnt and achieved and I’m thinking ahead to what my goals and aspirations might be going forward. For me, the things I’m drawn to focusing on always seem to relate to:
connection - opportunities to spend time with friends and family,
career - my professional development and what I want to do in my business, and
adventure - what can I do (that scares me just a little!) that I haven’t done before!
To do my reflection this year I’m going to adapt The 4 Q’s Review introduced to me by Co. of Women’s Tara Lorigan. Tara recommends setting aside 15 minutes at the end of each work day to ask yourself 4 specific questions as a way of over-riding the brain’s natural propensity to hang on to what didn’t work. The question structure allows us to reflect on and understand our wins, and dig into the origin of these successes. The dopamine that’s released during this process increases our goal-directed behaviour and boosts mood, motivation, and clarifies our thinking. These questions feel perfectly suited to reflecting on 2020 and what I want to intentionally focus on in 2021.
Here is Tara’s 4 Q’s Review:
What worked / went really well? (list everything you can think of, keep asking yourself “what else?”)
Why did each of these things work? What was my formula for success?
What do I want to do differently?
What do I need to progress?
So it’s time to get out my flip charts and sharpies and let my mind wander, ponder and download. It’s time to recognise and acknowledge what I’ve succeeded at, what I did to enable these wins, and what I can take with me on my journey going forward. 2021; the year of intentional living.
If you’d like support setting your goals and/or identifying your purpose or priorities in 2021, please send me a message on rebekah@thebacktoworkcoach.com