Introducing The Back to Work Sisterhood Scholarship

Applications are now invited for the Back to Work Sisterhood Scholarship 2018, provided by The Back To Work Coach; a Hobsonville-based coaching practice specialising in supporting mums returning to the workplace.

The Sisterhood Scholarship is an intensive 12-week life coaching programme (including up to 8 one-to-one coaching sessions) specifically tailored to meet the needs of a local mum committed to returning to the workplace within the next 3-6 months.

Coaching takes place through conversation. The conversation, however, is different from normal, social conversation. It is dynamic, focused and designed to move you forward in your life. Coaching raises your awareness and encourages you to take control of, and
responsibility for, your life. The support provided by a coach is non-judgmental, meaning that no one is standing in judgment over you, and unconditional, that is, designed purely to support you and to encourage you to achieve.

Eligibility criteria

If you can answer yes to the following questions, we’d love for you to apply for this year’s Back To Work Sisterhood Scholarship:

  • Do you have a strong desire to return to paid employment?
  • Are you feeling anxious or overwhelmed about the impact of this change on yourself and/or your family?
  • Would you like to improve your resilience and/or self-confidence?
  • Would you like to strengthen your negotiation, delegation and/or time management skills?
  • Do you live in Northwest Auckland?
  • Do life coaching services fall outside your family’s budget?
  • Will you commit to providing your feedback about your experience as a result of receiving The Sisterhood Scholarship?

To apply, please complete the information below by 31 May 2018.

All information will be treated as confidential and is for use by our panel of selectors only.

Application form

Hear from a past scholarship recipient:

After being selected for the Sisterhood Scholarship, I was very excited. I was ready to re-enter the workforce but didn’t really know how to get the job I wanted, in my field (also my personal passion). I was just about ready to plump for any job in any field.

Although my qualifications were fine, my work experience, contacts and networking were all out of date, I didn’t feel relevant to my industry anymore and didn’t know how that could change. I also realised my self-confidence had really diminished whilst self-doubts had grown.

Coaching with Rebekah helped me to see that I was relevant, and helped me to cultivate the courage to move forward. The sessions challenged me to face my doubts, and gave me the tools to enable me to clearly focus on what I really wanted and how to go and achieve that. I also found that the mindset I had slipped into altered to become more self-assured and proactive.

With a newly gained sense of self-confidence and assertiveness, I used these tools and got my ideal job.

Rebekah’s skill and experience, seasoned with empathy and candour, gained me a result I could never have dreamed of otherwise. She has kick-started a new beginning for me and my family, and for that I am extremely grateful.
— Liz